Management and governance
Thames Vale Youth Orchestra Trust is a registered charity (Charity number: 1144327) that provides young musicians with the opportunity to play an instrument within a symphony orchestra. The charity provides the young musicians with dedicated tutoring and the opportunity to play two prestigious concerts in a year. Concerts are open to all the community and are advertised locally. The charity is recognised by HMRC for the purposes of Gift Aid.
TVYO trustees
David Pope
John Bales
TVYO management committee
Chair: Timothy Softley
Treasurer: John Bales
Admissions secretary: Carolyn King
Database secretary: Suma Setty
Concert secretary: Allan O'Connor
Committee secretary: Allan O'Connor
Committee member: Liz Azzopardi
Committee member: Martin Kimber
Committee member: Elizabeth Edmiston
Music librarian: Christopher Fletcher-Campbell
Website editor: Richard Blundel
Publicity officer: situation vacant
Photographer: situation vacant
In-house designer: situation vacant
General support (auditing): David Pope
If you are interested in joining the Committee, or in other volunteer roles with TVYO, please get in touch.​​
TVYO policies and constitution
TVYO’s main governance documents, the Constitution and Regulations and the Statement of Policies, are available to download here:
Thames Vale Youth Orchestra: Constitution and Regulations
Thames Vale Youth Orchestra: Statement of Policies