Interested in joining?
We are always on the lookout for talented new players, and you'll find us very friendly and welcoming! You can find out how to audition here - see below for further details. If you're not sure whether TVYO is right for you, why not come along to one of our concerts, or simply sit in at one of our weekly rehearsals to find out whether it's for you? Use the 'Contact TVYO' button below to email our Admissions Secretary, Carolyn King, for more information and an application form.
The orchestra is made up of the following instruments:
Double Bass(*)
French Horn(*)
A full range of percussion instruments
(*) We currently have spaces available for these instruments.
Entry requirements and auditions
TVYO welcomes talented and committed young musicians from 11 to 18 years of age. To become part of this great orchestra you will need to play to Grade 5 standard or above, and we ask you to undertake a short audition. Usually auditions are held in June for the following September. The audition process is very straightforward:
Two short pieces: a maximum of 5 minutes in total, preferably accompanied and offering a clear contrast in tempo, articulation and style. If your piece is too long, you may choose a section of it to present in the audition.
Two scales: one major and one minor scale of your current grade (own choice).
Sight reading: you will be given a short orchestral excerpt of around Grade 5 standard.
An accompanist will be available to support you – just remember to bring the piano music along with you to the audition.
Our next round of auditions is scheduled to take place on Monday 2nd June 2025 from about 5.30pm (strings) and on Wednesday 4th June 2025 from 5.30pm (wind and brass), at Abingdon School, Park Road, Abingdon OX14 1DE. If both days are impossible for you, contact the Admissions Secretary and we will try to find another time. We can also consider audition by video - if you would prefer this route please let us know.
Want to join us straight away?
It is also possible to join the orchestra at other points during the year. In this case, you would be auditioned by one of the instrumental coaches during a Monday evening rehearsal (no accompaniment required). Video auditions are also an option on request - contact the Admissions Secretary for more details.
Because the orchestra is self-financing there is a subscription fee to be paid (£90 per term, or £170 per year if paid in full by the first rehearsal of the year). If there are two or more players in one family then the fees are £75 per term, or £130 if paid in full by the first rehearsal of the year. If a player joins after the start of term, reduced subscription rates apply. Details of these rates and a application/subscription form can be obtained from the Admissions Secretary.